Östliches Christentum in Geschichte und Gegenwart (2011)

About the Publication

Michael Marx, Johannes Pahlitzsch, and Dorothea Weltecke (eds.), Östliches Christentum in Geschichte und Gegenwart, = special issue of Der Islam 88, no. 1 (2011), pp. 1-198.

Diversity and hybridity, interaction and exchange: these terms compose the thematic focus of this issue of the journal “Der Islam”: Eastern Christianity in History and the Present: Perspectives and Obstacles. The issue features contributions to a conference held in the year 2008. Evaluating the state of research on Eastern Christianity in Germany, the participants observed that this field of academic enquiry is in danger of becoming extinct in this country. Thus, this collection of articles hopefully serves as a catalyst for jumpstarting debate on Eastern Christianity in the German academic community.

The study of Eastern Christian communities’ cultural identity is at the same time ineluctably intertwined with Qur‘anic Studies and Islamic History - i. e. an Islam in dialogue with, but not mimicking Jewish and Christian traditions of the Hijaz. Diversity in the Islamic-ruled world is a historical reality that has been largely ignored in the study of Islam as well.

This edition of “Der Islam” therefore highlights research that considers the interaction between Muslim and non-Muslim groups, as well as the entangled development of the religious traditions, in order to better understand the socio-religious plurality of Western Asia. Interaction and exchange, however, also include moments of conflict and discrimination. As we close upon the one-year anniversary of the “Arab Spring”, the authors are reminded that it is important to consider the worsening condition of Eastern Christian communities today and their representation in Western studies as well as in the political systems they live in.