Zamość Style Unification: Liturgicon and Euchologion in the Basilian Monasteries of the Lviv Eparchy in Second Half of the 18th Century

About the Publication

Ivan Almes, "Zamość Style Unification: Liturgicon and Euchologion in the Basilian Monasteries of the Lviv Eparchy in Second Half of the 18th Century", in: Z Badań nad Książką i Księgozbiorami Historycznymi (vol. 18, no. 1), Warschau: 2024, pp. 167–177.

The paper studies the problem of the unification of the liturgical books in the Basilian monasteries of the Lviv eparchy in the second half of the 18th century. Research concentrates on the problem of Zamość council resolution implementation by analyzing the “church books” in the monasteries of Basilians. Investigating the “book lists” from inventory descriptions and protocols of visitations allows to trace changes in the monasteries concerning the “church books” as it was fixed in the documents, a major part of which used for this research are from the Lviv archives. Among the main indicators of a certain liturgical tradition are the texts of the Liturgicon and the Euchologion. In the second half of the 18th century, the presence of Univ and Pochaiv Liturgicon and Euchologion was selective since we do not have data for all decades for all monasteries. At the same time, such an analysis allows tracing a clear tendency – the full-fledged unification of liturgical literature in Basilian monasteries can be noted at the start of the 1760s.